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Monday, July 23, 2007

How Exactly Does Training a Cat Work?

by Cat Training Expert

When it comes to our pets, it would be fantastic if we could train them how to do exactly what we want them to do. Training is only usually associated with dogs, but the fact is that all animals can be trained in some way and cats are certainly no exception.

The Basics of Cat Training
Cats can be trained to do a number of things. So, whether you want them to stop bringing mice back to your front door, to use their litter tray correctly, or even to just use the toilet instead, cats can be taught how to behave; you just need to know the basics.

Training a cat is obviously very different to training a dog. With a dog you teach them things such as 'stay', 'fetch', and 'heel'. However, with a cat you are generally just training them to change their behavior slightly. You do not want them to do anything spectacular (though some trainers have been able to teach their cats to perform); you mainly just want to teach them how to behave in a more appropriate manner.

Generally you need to understand your cat before you begin to train them and usually you should find that the following applies:

*Cats Will Continue to Misbehave as Long as There is Reward
Firstly you need to understand that your cat does not know right from wrong. They do things because it is a joy for them to do them.
An example would be scratching their claws on the sofa. They continue to do it because it feels good when they do it. They will only not do something if it is unpleasant to do.
So this means that if you want to train your cat, you have to make the preferred behavior rewarding and any behavior you want to put a stop to, will need to be a negative experience.

*Knowing When to Reprimand the Cat
A very common mistake which many cat owners make when it comes to disciplining their cat, is reprimanding them once the crime has already been committed. More often than not we are not with our cats when they actual misbehave and so we try to reprimand them by showing them the problem. The trouble with this is that the cat has absolutely no idea what you are reprimanding them for and so the punishment is not doing any good.

Overall training a cat to change its behavior can be hard work but it can be done as long as you have persistence and understanding.

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